Contact us

Why us?

why us

Ubiquity International Trading operates globally through 4 reciprocal Headquartered offices in Sydney, Iran, Ningbo and Seoul, providing a range of services to help businesses identify, qualify, meet and select potential agents and/or distributors.

Ubiquity Trading International works within a wide range of industries such as:

•                    Agriculture

•                    Automotive

•                    Banking

•                    Chemicals

•                    Cosmetics

•                    Dairy Products

•                    Defence

•                    Fashion

•                    ICT

•                    Medical

•                    Mining

•                    Oil

•                    Petrochemical

•                    Raw Materials

•                    Telecommunications

•                    And more


Ubiquity is proud of our reputation as a supplier of innovative, high quality products and services backed by our professional team.

Please feel free to contact us to discuss the international supply of a range of business products and services. 

contact us image 


Welcome to Ubiquity International Trading.